You must apply using the form below. Group size is limited (each group is expected to be 28-32 people). Programs usually fill quickly so we encourage you to apply if you are considering joining a program. Upon acceptance you will receive a formal letter of acceptance with details about the program as well as options for payment. A recommended reading list will be included.
Students and teachers are expected to maintain study and practices throughout the year, do assignments and communicate in a timely manner.
Participants are asked to familiarize themselves with Russell’s The Embodied Life™ and The Embodied Life™ II audio programs (order them here). Attendance at a residential retreat with Russell prior to acceptance in the ELMP is required unless waived by Russell due to special circumstances.
Students are accepted with the intention of completing all six sessions of the program. There are two separate costs, tuition and venue fees which include room/food. The tuition for US programs is $1955 per segmentyear. The European programs are Euro 2100 per year. This amount can be paid yearly, twice a year or in a payment plan arranged through the office that fits your financial needs (
The venue costs differ for each program, and are subject to price increases. In most cases, payments for room and board are made directly to the venue. Once you have been accepted into a program you will receive information regarding your specific program. If you have questions please contact us.
Application Fee
There is a one time, non-refundable application fee of $50.00 or Euro 50,00. Upon acceptance this amount can be deducted from your first years tuition. Please email a current photo to
You can make payments in US dollars, or make payments in Euros, or send a check/money order to:
Russell Delman, 246 Brick Hill Road, Orleans, MA 02653