Embodied Life™ Teachers – European and non-US Teachers

Austria | Australia | England | France | Ireland | Germany | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey


Christoph Habegger
Vienna, Austria

As a trained actor and singer my main interests include movement, voice and breathing work. I am also a trained Feldenkrais Practitioner, working as an Assistant Trainer in Professional Trainings and teaching at the University of Music, Drama and Dance in Linz. I am available for private sessions, classes and seminars. Please visit my web site for further information.


Johannes Zemanek
Vienna, Austria

Ich durfte schon als junger Mann Russells herrliche Arbeit kennen lernen. Nun moechte ich diese an viele Menschen weiter tragen. Als praktizierneder Atempaedagoge, Feldenkrais-Lehrer und auf dem Weg Psychtherapeut zu werden, weis ich die ungemeine Vielfalt und Reichhaltigkeit der Embodied Life Arbeit besonders zu schaetzen. Korper und Geist sind eine Einheit die einer umfassenden Zuwendung bedurfen. Ich moechte gerne einen Raum bieten in dem eine natuerliche Reifung (wieder) moeglich wird. Ich freue mich Euch bei einem meiner vielfaltigen Kurse und Seminare oder in der personlichen Einzelarbeit kennenzulernen. Schau doch einfach auf meiner Hompage vorbei um dich naeher zu informieren:


Email: info@achtsam-atmen.at
phone +436767018298

I was lucky to get to know Russells marvelous work at a young age. Now I want to pass on his work to other people. As a practicing Breathing and Feldenkrais Teacher and on my way to become a Psychotherapist I really cherish the variety and richness I encountered in the Embodied Life School. Body and mind are a unity which needs our full care from all sides. I’d like to provide a space where natural growth and development become possible (again) and would be happy to meet you at one of my manyfold courses and seminars or an individual lesson. Just visit my homepage for further information:


Email: info@achtsam-atmen.at
phone +436767018298


Jenny Guild

My major interests throughout my life have been in the body, movement and spirituality. I have a background in dance and as a physiotherapist and have been working as a Feldenkrais teacher since graduation in 1990. I am also a qualified spiritual director and am involved in formation programs in spirituality and spiritual direction. I graduated from one of Russell’s Embodied Life Mentorship Programs in 2016. The Embodied Life work brings together my passions for practising and teaching embodied spirituality, or as I would say embodying who we are and who we aspire to be.

Email: gld.hnwd@bigpond.com


Osel Nyima

I am a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and I also teach a number of other modalities: Change Your Age™, SOUNDER SLEEP SYSTEM, and Tibetan Yoga from the Aro Ter Lineage of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. I have been a Buddhist for 37 years having lived as a teenager in Asia. My hope is to pass on the wonderful teachings included in Embodied Life™ – Meditation, Feldenkrais and Guided Inquiry to students in the United Kingdom.

Website: www.oselnyima.com
Email: nyima.osel@gmail.com

Ilka Cook

Hi, my name is Ilka and I love being on this path of growing awareness. For me it started with Awareness Through Movement® – 4 years of training in the Feldenkrais Method®. I graduated from the London training in 2015. The overlap between the quality of attention in Feldenkrais® and in meditation was striking and I am truly grateful to have found Russell and his unique way of teaching and interweaving both those ways of expanding our capacity for awareness and embodiment. Complemented by the third element of inner listening which focuses more on our inner voices and feeling states, we can learn to have a holistic (or as Russell would say ‘whole-istic’) experience of the present moment. This can inform our choices of how to be in relationship with ourselves and others, how to communicate and respond, how to bring more of what we want to offer into the world.

As an Embodied Life™ Coach I believe that connecting to self with a high quality and flexibility of attention in a non-judgemental environment is the best way to find clarity, healing, and our direction and purpose in life. My coaching sessions may or may not include some Embodied Life™ practices, this depends on the client’s preferences and curiosity. If you have any questions about my experience with the Embodied Life™ mentorship programme (I graduated in 2019) or would like to find out more about the way I coach, feel free to contact me via email. I speak both English and German. For more information ilka.cook@gmail.com


Josette Jacques
East of France, near Besançon

Has been a Feldenkrais-teacher since 2001 and has several groups per week, in different places and gives individual lessons. “Embodied-life™” training with Russell Delman these 3 last years! She offers it for groups or individuals and leads a sitting meditation every Tuesday evening and once a month on Saturday morning.

You can call: 00 33 381 63 75 08

Bruno Borghi
Paris, France

Ingénieur de formation, Bruno Borghi est également depuis 1998 praticien de la méthode Feldenkrais. Bruno a suivi le programme Embodied Life de Russell Delman en Californie de 2012 – 2014. Bruno donne des ateliers “Donner corps à la vie” (Embodied Life) en France, Paris. Pour le contacter:

Pour le contacter:
Website: http://donnercorpsalavie.fr
Email: bruno.borghi@studio-feldenkrais.fr
Phone: +33 664 12 10 44

Bruno Borghi, a professional engineer, has also been a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method since 1998. Bruno has been part of Russell Delman’s Embodied Life Program in California from 2012 to 2014. Bruno lives near Paris, France, where he gives Embodied Life workshops.

To contact him:
Website: http://donnercorpsalavie.fr
Email: bruno.borghi@studio-feldenkrais.fr
Phone: +33 664 12 10 44


Mark Keogh

I have been a feldenkrais practitioner since 2003 and have been interested in meditation fir the past 15 years. I am really interested in the combination of work which Russell has brought together into a unity. It continues to influece the way I work as a feldenkrais practitioner and the way I see myself, the world around me and what cannot be seen.

I am teaching feldenkrais and bringing in elements of the Embodied Life™ work for workshops and individual sessions. It is an evolving process for me where one aspect the Embodied life work will become sponaneously important when working with a client or with myself. Its fantastic to have this opportunity to be part of a community yet remain individual.

Website: www.markkeogh.com
Email: markpkeogh@hotmail.com
Phone: 00353 (0)86 1659422


Martin Beilich
Physiotherapeut und Heilpraktiker

Duisburg, Germany/Deutschland

Seit Beginn meiner Arbeit als Physiotherapeut und Heilpraktiker vor ber 10 Jahren arbeite und wachse ich stetig auf dem Weg zu einem tieferen Verstndnis dafr, wie wir als Menschen miteinander verbunden sind und durch unsere Begegnungen, Gedanken und Gewohnheiten geprgt und geformt werden. Das EmbodiedLife-Studium mit Russell und den verschiedensten Menschen aus allen Teilen der Welt ist fr mich wie der Blick durch ein Vergrsserungsglas, durch das ich sehen und spren kann, wie alle Belange des Lebens sich in einem Punkt konzentrieren: HIER UND JETZT

Wenn Sie auch einen Blick “riskieren” mchten, schauen Sie doch mal auf meiner Webseite:
Website: www.therapie-malzfabrik.de
Email: tcm@therapie-malzfabrik.de
Phone: +49 203 3946711

Working as a Physical Therapist and “Heilpraktiker” for over 10 years I’m constantly walking and growing on the path of developing a deep sense and understanding of how we as human beings are inter-connected and formed by our ideas, habits and encounters in life. Studying the EmbodiedLife™ with Russell and many other people from around the globe for me is like peering through that big magnifying glass and seeing and sensing all these issues of life put in one nutshell which is HERE AND NOW.

If you like to join and take a look, please visit my website:
Website: www.therapie-malzfabrik.de
Email: tcm@therapie-malzfabrik.de
Phone: +49 203 3946711

David Jeker
Feldenkrais-Lehrer und Schauspieler

Leipzig, Germany / Deutschland

Ich interessiere mich besonders fr somatische Lern- und Reifeprozesse sowie die Grundlagen authentischer Ausdrucksfhigkeit und Kommunikation. Ich biete Gruppenkurse, Workshops und Einzelstunden auf Basis der Feldenkrais-Methode an, in die auch Elemente anderer Anstze einflieen knnen beispielsweise aus dem Schauspieltraining und Embodied Life™. Zudem forsche ich an verschiedenen Wegen, Feldenkrais, Focusing, Qigong und Meditation fr die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Schauspielerinnen und Schauspielern fruchtbar zu machen. Ich bin bestrebt in Leipzig eine Meditationsgruppe entstehen zu lassen, die Raum fr die individuelle Erforschung persnlicher Fragen und Entwicklungsthemen bietet. Gerne bringe ich mich auch in eine bereits bestehende Gruppe ein.

Kontakt und Informationen unter:
Website: www.cordoror.de
Email: davidjeker@cordoror.de

Ritva Laupianen
Germany/ Finland

After a successful 27-year career in a leading position in an internationally well known German company, Ritva Laupiainen, born in Finland, now combines her knowledge, experience and enthusiasm in working with people as a practitioner and mentor of Embodied Life™. During the summer months she works in Helsinki, Finland also as a city guide for visitors.

Ritva has been studying meditation and self-inquiry since 1985, which deeply affected her personal and working life. She herself says this has been bestowing her with more endurance, empathy and happiness. This direction was deepened and expanded when she became acquainted with the Feldenkrais-Method of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. In 1996 she graduated as a Feldenkrais practitioner in Hawaii under the training of Jerry Karzen.

In 2003 Ritva met Russell Delman, whose inspiration and expertise influenced her decision to train in the Embodied Life Mentorship Program, where she graduated in 2011. Ritva offers Embodied Life™ workshops and seminars both in Germany and Finland. Contact her via email ritva.laupiainen@web.de

Nach ihrer 27-jhrigen Karriere in einer leitenden Position bei einem internationalen Grokonzern, mit Hauptsitz in Deutschland, setzt Ritva Laupiainen, eine gebrtige Finnin, nun ihr Enthusiasmus und ihre Leidenschaft mit Menschen zu arbeiten als Embodied Life Mentor ein. In den Sommermonaten ist sie zustzlich als City Guide fr auslndische Besucher in Helsinki ttig.

Seit 1985 sind Meditation und Selbsterforschung in Ritvas Leben von zentraler Bedeutung. Wie sie es selbst beschreibt, schenkte diese Ausrichtung ihr fur ihre Arbeit und ihr Leben neuen Sinn, mehr Einfhlungsvermgen, Gelassenheit, Ausdauer und Freude.

Diese Richtung wurde erweitert und vertieft als sie die von Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais entwickelte Feldenkrais-Methode kennen lernte. 1996 schloss Ritva ihre international anerkannte Ausbildung zur Feldenkrais-Lehrerin in Hawaii mit Jerry Karzen ab.

2003 begegnete sie Russell Delman und lernte Embodied Life™ kennen und schtzen. 2011 erhielt sie das Diplom aus seinem Mentorsip-Program, und leitet seit dem Seminare und Workshops in Deutschland und Finnland. Kontakt: ritva.laupiainen@web.de

Dieter Plempe

In the development of an open awareness for me Zen-meditation is essential. Having lived in a mixture of seminary and Zen-Buddhist monastery for about 11 years I learned during a 3 years Mentorship program with Russell Delman about awareness through movement and guided inquiry. This widened and deepened many of the relations between “everyday life” and meditaion-experiences.

Offering Embodied Life workshops is still work in progress. Feel free to join our sitting-group at Sunday-evenings. For more information D.Plempe@web.de

Regine Schweiger
Bavaria, Germany

My name is Regine Schweiger from Germany (Bavaria), I joined the ELMP-Training in Morschach, Switzerland, which finished in April 2010. I’m a Feldenkrais teacher for 11 years and I’m teaching many kinds of gymnastics for health care since 1993. I’m just starting to teach the ELMP tools around Munich, Augsburg and the area around “Ammersee” and “Starnberger See”. Please have a look at my website.t

Website: body-integration.net
Email: Regine.Schweiger@body-integration.net
Phone: + 49 ? 171 ? 19 333 33

Ilka Cook

Hallo, mein Name ist Ilka und ich liebe es, auf diesem Weg des wachsenden Bewusstseins zu sein. Fur mich begann es mit Awareness Through Movement® – 4 Jahre Ausbildung in der Feldenkrais Methode®. Ich habe das Londoner Training im Jahr 2015 abgeschlossen. Die Uberschneidung zwischen der Qualitat der Aufmerksamkeit in Feldenkrais® und in der Meditation war bemerkenswert und ich bin wirklich dankbar, dass ich Russell gefunden habe. Seine Art, beide Formen der Erweiterung unserer Bewusstseinsfahigkeit und die Verankerung im Korper zu lehren und zu verweben, ist einzigartig. Erganzt durch das dritte Element des inneren Zuhorens, das sich mehr auf unsere inneren Stimmen und Gefuhlszustande konzentriert, konnen wir lernen, den gegenwartigen Augenblick ganzheitlich zu erfahren. Dies kann unsere Entscheidungen daruber, wie wir mit uns selbst und anderen in Beziehung gehen, wie wir kommunizieren und reagieren wollen, wie wir mehr von dem, was wir Anderen geben wollen, in die Welt bringen konnen, pragen und leiten.
Als Embodied Life ™ Coach glaube ich, dass der authentischen Beziehung und Verbindung zu sich selbst eine feine und flexible Aufmerksamkeit vorausgeht. Diese Art von Aufmerksamkeit in einer nicht wertenden Atmosphare ist der beste Weg, um Klarheit, Heilung sowie unsere Richtung und unseren Lebenszweck zu finden. Meine Coaching-Sitzungen konnen einige Embodied Life ™ -Praktiken beinhalten oder auch nicht, das hangt von den Vorlieben und der Neugier der Klient*inen ab. Wenn Sie/du Fragen zu meinen Erfahrungen mit dem Embodied Life ™ Mentorship-Programm (ich 2019 absolvierte) haben/hast oder mehr uber meine Art zu coachen erfahren mochten/mochtest, konnen Sie/kannst du mich gerne per E-Mail kontaktieren. Ich spreche sowohl Englisch als auch Deutsch. For more information ilka.cook@gmail.com

Joachim Fischer

Nach meinen Ausbildungen zum Feldenkraislehrer und Focusingbegleiter habe ich das große Glueck Russell Delman und sein Embodied Life nun seit rund zwanzig Jahren begleiten zu dürfen. In meiner langjährigen Arbeit habe ich viele Lehrer kennen gelernt. Doch Russell ist ein Ausnahmelehrer. Er begeistert mich immer wieder mit seiner Klarheit, seiner Wertschaetzung, seiner Empathie, seinem Witz und Humor. Faszinierend finde ich, dass Bewegung, stilles Sitzen und gefuehrtes inneres erforschen im Embodied Life in perfekter Harmonie miteinander korrespondieren und wir als Menschen durch unseren Koerper einen Zugang zu uns selbst, unserer Umwelt und dem was größer ist als wir selbst, finden koennen. Das Aufwachen in einer tiefen Verbundenheit zu allem, was mich umgibt, zu mir selbst, zu meinem Nächsten, zur Umwelt, zum Universum, ist stetiger, faszinierender Antrieb für mich. Diese Faszination für Deine persönliche Entwicklung und für die Entwicklung der Welt mit Dir teilen zu dürfen, empfinde ich als ein großes Geschenk. Embodied Lifeseminare Online und in Praesenz.

Ich freue mich ueber Deinen Besuch meiner Website:www.praxis-j-fischer.de
Email: info@praxis-j-fischer.de
Phone: +49 2631359700

Following my training as a Feldenkrais teacher and Focusing facilitator, I have had the good fortune of being able to accompany Russell Delman and his Embodied Life for around twenty years now. Throughout my longstanding career I have met many teachers. But Russell is an exceptional teacher. He always inspires me with his clarity, his positive appreciation, his empathy, his wit and humor. I find it fascinating that movement, sitting still and guided introspection correspond in perfect harmony with one another in embodied life and that we as humans can find access to ourselves, our environment and all that is greater than ourselves through our bodies. Waking up in deep connectivity to everything that surrounds me, to myself, to my neighbour, to the environment, to the universe, is a constant, fascinating force for me. I would consider it a great gift to be able to share this fascination with you, for your personal development and for the development of the world. Embodied Life Seminare online and in presence.

Thank you for visiting my Website: www.praxis-j-fischer.de
Email: info@praxis-j-fischer.de
Phone: +49 2631359700


Annette Areskoug
Uppsala/Stockholm, Sweden

I am a trained Feldenkrais practitioner and physiotherapist with special focus in psychosomatic. I have also graduated from the Mentorship Program, Embodied Life™ School, in Morschach.

My main interests include movement work and meditation. I am available for private sessions as well as classes and seminars. Please visit my web site for more information. I am interested in creating small groups of people who want to work together. Please feel free to call or write with any questions.

Website: www.vivapraktiken.se
Email: annette.areskoug@hem.utfors.se
Phone: +46703 244264

Jan Boelhouwers
Uppsala, Sweden

Professor in Geography and Embodied Life™ practitioner. My main interests are in focusing-oriented processes, meditation and guided movement. I am available for workshops, other forms of group work and individual focusing-oriented sessions. I am also exploring how to integrate these practices as ’embodied learning’ in higher education. I would like to create a sharing/interest group around this theme with other university-based people. Please feel welcome if interested or wanting to make contact around any of these themes.

Website: www.kultgeog.uu.se/pp/Jan.Boelhouwers
Email: jan.boelhouwers@telia.com

Cecilia Gudmundsson
Stockholm, Sweden

My main interest is movement work and I am also interested in meditation. I have my background in dance. I am trained as a dancetherapist and a Feldenkrais teacher. In april 2010 I graduated from the Embodied Life™ School Mentorshipprogram in Morschach, Switzerland. I am availiable for private sessions as well as classes and seminars. Please visit my website for more information. Feel free to call or write me with any questions.

Website: www.irorelse.nu     |     Phone: 0709 465306


Katrin Arn
Berne, Switzerland

I am working as a Feldenkraisteacher with groups and individuals. Since many years my main interests are in working with movement, expression (I studied Mime with Marcel Marceau in Paris) and awareness. For many years Russell Delman has been my teacher in meditation, Feldenkraiswork and guided inquiry and I finished the “Embodied Life™ Mentorship Program” under Russell’s guidance in spring 2010.

In my studio in Berne take place ongoing “Feldenkrais – Awareness through movement” classes, seminars and workshops. Once a month we practice Zenmeditation in a small group of interested people. There is space for exchange and new ideas…

For more information please visit my website www.ka-feldenkraismethode.ch

Annette Schmid
Baar, Switzerland

As a trained Feldenkrais Teacher and Physiotherapist I teach Functional Integration for individuals and Awareness through Movement in groups. I also offer Guided Inquiry sessions (based on Focusing) that are in relations to my Feldenkrais work. Once a week I offer the possibility to meditate in a sitting-meditation group.

For the last 11 years Russell Delman has been my teacher in Meditation, Feldenkrais movements as well as Guided inquiry. I have graduated from the ELMP program in spring 2010. Further more I deepened my interest in Guided Inquiry by taking Focusing courses with Anne Weiser Cornell, Elmar Kruithoff as well as Joan Klagsbrun. My main interest is to inspire the client to discover and live his or her full potential. By listening with my ears, hands and heart I try to give space and possibilities for the next step to occur.

Website: www.annetteschmid.ch
Email: annette@greenmail.ch
Phone: 0041 79 706 24 32


Kirsten Ettrich

My name is Kirsten, originally from Germany, since 1997 I am living in Turkey. I am married with two children. I am a Feldenkrais Practitioner and an Embodied Life™ teacher and have worked at Istanbul University though now I live in Antalya. I have workshops in Istanbul and run weekly Awareness Through Movement classes in Antalya.

I met Russell Delman at a workshop in Munich in 2005 and discovered that meditation and the Feldenkrais work is a wonderful synthesis. Meditation became a part of my every day life and I am very happy that my path led me to the three year programme at the Embodied Life School in Morschach (Switzerland) which I finished in April 2010.

My wish now is to offer that wonderful approach to inner life to the public and open up the path to a more peaceful world. Please contact me.
